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The set contains 4 one-piece high-quality resin miniatures of Sasquatches and four 20 mm square plastic bases. Require assembly, cleaning and painting. Scenic bases not included. The miniatures are dedicated for the Dirandis army in Argatoria Wargame.
Scale: 10 mm
Design and sculpting: Piotr Pirianowicz, Tetyana Orlovska Sasquatches Tactics
Sasquatches rely heavily on their Ambush rule which allows them to make a free move before the battle and cancel all charge and independent bonuses when attacked by the enemy. It means that their proper deployment before the battle is crucial. A recommended unit size for the Sasquatches is 4-8 bases, and consider having at least two such units. Use them as a bait for numerous enemy units, especially Hordes, and as a unit blocking the enemy's move or charge path to your more numerous units. The specific tactics of the Sasquatches mean that the best you can do is having them less numerous, as it means less Blood Points for the opponent. Keep in mind that if the enemy unit is powerful enough and supported by a hero, it is still able to defeat one rank of Sasquatches even without charge bonuses. Two ranks will have a better chance to lock the enemy in combat for a little longer, giving you the time to charge that enemy with your other, more powerful unit that you should keep close to the Sasquatches.
With Weapon Skill 2 and Strength 5, Sasquatches are likely to wound the enemy in combat, but they will struggle getting a satisfying number of hits. When you add to it their Leadership 5 and no special rules boosting them in combat, there is not much field for improvement. Thus try not to waste your valuable pool of prayers on them. Always focus on their most important strategic role on the battlefield – blocking the enemy and making them fall into an ambush.
Colour scheme:
Skin – light flesh
Fur – white-grey, light blue, or light brown
Eyes – black, blue
This is a race of mountain creatures called Sasquatches, whose light white-grey fur gives them a perfect camouflage among the rocks and snow.
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